I’ve not been an active blogger lately as there are so many things to do instead of blogging these days. Lifestyle had been changing over the past few months. Everything got to change in order to fit to the new world out here. The last I blog was when I went back to Malaysia for my summer break and YEAH, summer break was super awesome. Not forgetting, Doctor Cham sent me off! It isn’t that I hate being in Moscow but, it’s always the best to be in your own country where everything is just there for you. It’s fun to be in Moscow but NOT for a long period.
So, how’s studies? Well, studies has been interesting always but it isn’t easy to go through all those exams which are held almost every single day. There will not be much time to do our revision on the past syllabus which we need to revise for our finals here in our University. Sleeping or hibernating time here is so limited for me. I repeat, for me only. I need time to go online, to cook, to clean my room, to Skype with my beloved one and etc.
During our last summer break, my University just changed it’s name. From Russian State Medical University, it changes into Russian National Research Medical University. The name is easy to read in English but the University name in Russian is like taking a minute or more to read the whole name.
Российский национальный
медицинский университет
имени Н. И. Пирогова
So, the above name is my new University name. Read as ‘ Ra-sis-ki Na-tio-nal-ni Is-sle-da-va-tel-ski Me-di-sin-ski Oo-ni-ver-si-tet e-mi-ni Pi-ra-go-va ‘
Cool huh?
The main entrance to the University.
Moving on to the weather here in Moscow. I really got no idea on how I survived –25 degree Celsius last time. It’s only 3 degrees now but it’s so difficult to adapt to it. It’s only autumn season now, but it seems like the autumn season will be shorter this year and winter is approaching! Winter equals to suffering. Autumn is the best season ever! Love the scenery during autumn season!
This picture was taken last week. Love it!
A few weeks ago, my friend from Kursk came down to Moscow for an event held in my University called The Road to Gorky Games. Met them during the PROBASIS program held back in Malaysia and I really do miss the program back then. The kids back in SK Nyalas, Melaka were just awesome! They are so different from the other kids! They made me wake up by 5am every morning when I was with them. I salute them and I bow upon them. Well disciplined kids! That is the only thing I want to say. Would also like to take this opportunity to wish them all the best in their studies!
This was my group! Miss them a lot!
Sarah, in front and Bebby on the right of the picture! *taken during the event in my University* Miss you guys! Will be going over to Kursk when there are holidays here in Moscow. Take good care!
I shall end here. Will blog more on the next post. Take good care and GBU to all my blog readers!
P.S. I love you and only you. Hope you don’t push me away to someone else. Miss you.
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