*It's A Dream*

Well, it's the last day of my semester break...
Nah, call it, school holidays...
It's over...Rotting at home for two weeks...haha!
But at least I did a few things during the holidays.
Fetched Sis back to college, took mum to the imigration office...
Went back to hostel to put a night there to finish up my assignments....
Makan with 'AH MA'
Celebrate Penny's Birthday....
and stuff la...haha
A lot of things though.

Touched any books??
Yea....Friday and yesterday...
Last 2 days..haha...
Today? I'm not going to touch any. Time to have fun with family members!
Packed my stuff for my 1 week stay already...
4 bags!!!Gosh....plus my laptop bag...5!
Sounds like going for a trip but it's not. (:

Sorry for not blogging for these few days.
Nothing interesting to blog on.
To my a-levels friends out there, all the best! Study smart!
To those happy go lucky STPM students, Gambateh too!!hehe...
I know the paper your taking is a very high standard paper....xD. gOOd luck!
TARC!!I'm coming back!!hehe...Revenge!!!
I want better results!

I said I'm blogging now to Ah Ma. She said it sounds like I wanna die already!
What the....sigh....Think too much...
Old people talks like that huh??hehe...
Choi! Won't die la!
We got our aims to reach! Make sure we get what we want!
I wanna save them!
  • Current mood - Up and Down
  • Current song - Celebrate The Summer by Lacuna